Why Words Matter In Your Digital Landscape

When people think about getting a new website, more often than not, the thinking is design-centric.
Conversations we have with new and prospective clients are typically motivated by a desire for an updated visual identity, a brand refresh, or an improved user experience. These are wise and valid reasons to invest in a new website, but they overlook the opportunity to be found and gained through strong site copy.
Website copy, whether lean or robust, is an area that deserves significant attention and resources. Don’t shortchange it as the berries served to complement the slice of cake, but rather see it as the layers of icing that inform and bind every bite.
At its most primitive level, unique and informative text reveals your brand identity.
Style is limitless, from an evergreen positioning statement, to a quirky values-driven narrative, or a longer story emphasizing heritage - the most important thing is to be authentic. A strong digital persona is key to distinguishing your brand from competitors, and that is the goal. As Funkhaus’ Head of Content Che Stipanovich said, “efficient yet bold positioning statements at entry, followed by personality-driven About copy that amplifies brand heritage and mission, will cut through the static and give clients and customers a head-start when interacting or transacting with your company for the first time. What you say and how you say it can also earn you a loyal audience who returns to your site as a routine destination.”
While strategic keywords improve SEO value, careful consideration of voice, tone, and language hold the power to convert a prospect to a sale. Thoughtful copy also roots the other elements that make a website. It is the foundational narrative that inspires the specific texture, flavor, and movement delivered through a website’s UI and UX.
Identity is a complex story; it should be communicated wholly and authentically. Sometimes that looks like an evergreen sentence, and sometimes it requires a moderated blog feed or anything in between. Whatever your content needs are, we are here to help.