Looking Back On 2023

As another year wraps, we’re looking back at the things that defined the year for us at Funkhaus. From getting our boots on the ground at events to pushing into new areas for projects, this year was all about putting ourselves out there and remaining adaptable in the face of industry-wide challenges.
In 2023, we emphasized in-person connection and creating a presence beyond our office walls. We traveled to Austin, Texas to kick off a new partnership, attended the AIA Conference on Architecture in San Francisco, and went to our first SoDA Global Member Meeting in Mexico. As far as team bonding, our design team took a trip down to Guatemala for a creative retreat, and even when we stayed local, we prioritized time together, whether through community events like our Funkhaus Classic charity bowling event or simple outings like walking down the street to De La Nonna to grab a slice of pizza as a team.
We aimed to put ourselves out there as far as sharing our expertise in the thought leadership space as well, talking more openly about what we’ve learned in our 12 years of experience. Funkhaus Partner and Technology Director Drew Baker explained why in most cases, WordPress is our go-to framework; Head of Content Erin Himes laid out everything you need to know about getting your brand on a new social media platform; Funkhaus Partner and Design Principal David Funkhouser was our docent through a history of the typography that influenced him; and Managing Partner Nick Dies mused on how to remain nimble through a digital reinvention.

The design team had to make a big adjustment this year, as Adobe XD was sunsetted in favor of Figma. “We did a serious about face this year when it came to the way we designed websites — I call it the Figma Flip” says Funkhaus Partner and Design Principal David Funkhouser. “We had to very quickly learn a completely foreign software product that is, in many ways, the complete opposite of the Adobe products we were used to.” Attending ConFig in San Francisco helped the designers get plugged into a community who were all in the same position, and later the team shared their own thoughts about transitioning to Figma.
“This year, we expanded into industries that we hadn't had a presence in before and took on projects that were new and exciting challenges for us,” says Managing Partner Nick Dies. “This is a constant goal for us — we try to break new ground every year, so we can grow and be ready for new opportunities. That we continued to do that in a tough climate in the creative world is a huge success for us this year.”
These new directions looked like working closely with VC’s and consulting firms in the finance sector, real estate developers like Commonwealth Pier in Boston and Strada in San Francisco, mission-driven nonprofits like Stop Stalking Us, and e-commerce and CPG brands that will be making their debut in our portfolio in 2024. Our social reach grew to new heights as well, as we counted our first 1M+ views on a TikTok created for our content client Elizabeth Taylor.
We had old juggernauts of the spaces we love come to Funkhaus for collaboration. Projects like Harbor Picture Company, Nucontext, Happy Place, and Fela, and a site and social program for Seth MacFarlane’s Fuzzy Door are creative collaborations that challenge us to reinvent possibilities of video-driven portfolio sites each time.
In the coming year, keep an eye out for us at events — we’re looking forward to connecting with even more creatives and finding new partnerships. We've learned so much from each new world we've been exposed to this year, and can’t wait to work with more people in those spaces and build relationships that are beyond the scope of a project. We’re also excited to go into the new year with a handful of heavy-hitting projects going live, so stay tuned for more. Cheers to continued success in 2024.